Grade School

1st Grade

Religion: The Children’s Bible; Our Heavenly Father;

Language Arts:

Phonics: Phonics: Core Skills Grade 2; , Classical Phonics: A Child’s Guide to Word MasteryPhonics Guide for Reading and Spelling 1st Grade

SpellingSpelling by Sound and Structure Grade 2

ReadingAmerican Language SeriesPrimary Phonics Reader SetsStory Time TreasuresMore Story Time Treasures

MathBeginning Arithmetic Grade 1; First Grade Enrichment


First graders will learn manuscript, and will start cursive at the end of first semester. Our cursive books, New American Cursive, Workbook 1 and Copybook Cursive Book 2 (both from Memoria Press) do double duty as handwriting practice and memory work. Students copy scripture verses and the names of Greek gods and the brightest stars in the universe.

Topics covered in daily recitation:

Through the course of the year, the students will memorize various facts in geography, science, and history including the seven continents, the eight planets, the five categories of vertebrates, the first president; two temperature systems, boiling and freezing points, the terms omnivore, carnivore, and herbivore, the date and pilots of the first flight, U.S. time zones and the cardinal directions.

2nd Grade

Religion: Jesus Our LifeGoing to Confession and Receiving Holy CommunionThe Mass with Prayer, The New St. Joseph 1st Communion Catechism, Religion for Young Catholics 2

Language Arts: PhonicsClassical Phonics; Phonics Guide For Reading & Spelling, 2nd Grade and 2nd Grade Worksheets: Phonics & Spelling

SpellingSpelling by Sound and Structure, Grade 2,

Independent Reading:  Faith and Freedom Readers: Book of Sanctity, These Are Our Neighbors, This is Our Parish

MathWorking Arithmetic, Grade 2

Science, History & CultureSecond Grade Enrichment, Classical Core Curriculum, Patterns of Nature, Grade 2

LatinSecond Form Latin

Handwriting: New American Cursive, Grade 2, (Scripture and Famous Americans)

Recitation: Memoria Press

In addition to the above curriculum, we supplement with music and art classes, poetry, and a Book of the Week.

3rd Grade

Religion: Our Life with Jesus; Religion for Young Catholics 3

Language Arts: SpellingSpelling by Sound and Structure, Book 4;

English Grammar RecitationEnglish Grammar Recitation-Workbook One

WritingAll Things Fun and Fascinating-Writing Lessons in Structure & Style

Independent Reading: Faith and Freedom Readers; The Story Tree, This is Our Town, This is Our Valley

MathExploring Arithmetic 3

ScienceBook of Astronomy

HistoryTimeline: Events from Ancient to Modern Times; D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths

HandwritingNew American Cursive Latin Copybook

Latin: First year of Latina Christiana

Topics covered in daily recitation:

Through the course of the year, the students will memorize various facts in geography, science, history, and language arts including the following: Old Testament facts and stories up through Moses and the Ten Commandments, Greek mythology up through the Trojan War, state and capitals and their spelling and abbeviations, North American geography, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, prefixes, suffixes, and derivatives.

4th Grade

Religion:  Jesus is Our Guide; Religion for Young Catholics 4

Language Arts

SpellingSpelling by Sound and Structure Book 5,

WritingAll Things Fun and Fascinating-Writing Lessons in Structure & Style

Independent Reading:  Faith and Freedom Readers; Book of Gladness, This is Our Land

MathProgressing with Arithmetic 4

Science: The World of Animals; What Is the Animal Kingdom?; What Is a Mammal?; What’s That Bird?; Peterson First Guide to Birds of North America; Peterson Field Guide Coloring Books-Birds

History and GeographyThe Middle East, North Africa and EuropeThe United States: States & Capitals ReviewFamous Men of Rome, Timeline: Events from Ancient to Modern Times

HandwritingNew American Cursive

LatinLatina Christiana 2nd part of two year program

5th Grade

Religion: Credo, I Believe; Religion for Young Catholics 5

Language Arts:

SpellingSpelling by Sound and Structure 6; English from the Roots Up

English Grammar RecitationEnglish Grammar Recitation III, Supplemented with Easy Grammar 5,

Independent Reading:  Faith and Freedom Readers; Book of Gratitude, These Are Our People

MathBeginning Arithmetic 5

ScienceThe Book of Insects Workbook

HistoryGeography II: Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania, North and South America

LatinFirst Form Latin

In general, one JPII credit is equivalent to a full year’s instruction in a given course of study. Students will earn course credits on a semester-by-semester basis. Students may transfer high school credit from another public or private school by providing a complete transcript from the previous school. Homeschool students may apply for credit by completing a form documenting their courses. Written examples of coursework or exams may also be required.

The student will be given the following credit if the course(s) is deemed comparable to courses required for a JPII diploma:

One complete semester course at a full-time school = 1/2 credit

One complete yearly course at a full-time school = 1 credit

Each complete semester course in a homeschool or umbrella-school program will be individually determined for transfer of credit. While credit may be granted for transferred courses, course grades earned at any other institution, including a homeschool, will not be averaged into the student’s GPA.